During week three of the social distancing quarantine here in Utah I decided to get out and photograph some of my closest friends and film industry partners. Of course I practiced safe social distancing by keeping myself a good distance from my subjects.
Also, the Utah Film Commission were so kind to feature the images along with a few words from each of the subjects of this project. Check it out here: https://film.utah.gov/blog/porchraits/.
Benji Allred
Tess & Babetta Kelly
Tess & Babetta Kelly
Tess & Babetta Kelly
For this project I decided to use the Fujifilm GFX 50R paired with my medium format Pentax 6x7 lenses, the 105mm F2.4 and the 200mm F4. These lenses do incredibly well and keep that same glassy look that I am familiar with when I use them on my Pentax 6x7 body.
Kelsie Moore
Kelsie Moore
Kelsie Moore
The photos were taken throughout our conversations about the quarantine and how each of us is holding up during it. We discussed the stress and struggle with simple things such as grocery shopping, hand-washing, loneliness, cancelled jobs, etc. One silver lining that we all agreed on was that this quarantine offered us better contact with extended friends and family via group video chats and video gaming. Each session took anywhere from 10-20 minutes.
Cameron Gade
Ryan Hannah
DP & Steadicam Operator
Ryan Hannah
DP & Steadicam Operator
Jon Tinsley
Jack Lott
Trevor Macdonald
Val Hunter
Events Planner & Producer
Val Hunter
Events Planner & Producer
Val Hunter
Events Planner & Producer
Mikkel Richardson
Cinematographer and AC
Mikkel Richardson
Cinematographer and AC
Meg Cabell
Set Decorator
Dallin Corbin
Camera Assistant
Dallin Corbin
Camera Assistant